How Do I Plan A Perfect Bathroom?

How Do I Plan A Perfect Bathroom?

Are you planning to build a bathroom from scratch and want everything to be perfectly done or are your going with bathroom remodeling and want to update the space? Well, these design and planning tips are going to transform your bathroom into something way better. Give them a try and you’ll be blown away by the results.

Assess Your Space

First and foremost, you need to figure out how you’ll fit everything in your available space. Since you’re planning for a new bathroom, the clear and empty space will give you lots of ideas. Looking at the space itself and evaluating how much stuff will fit into it, is extremely crucial. You’re going to want to make smart decisions because chances are that you won’t end up using half of the things anyway, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

This is why limiting yourself to your space and allowing everything to fit in it like perfect puzzle pieces will make things so much easier for you.

Get Inspiration

This is probably the most fun and engaging part of bathroom planning. Looking for different styles and designs of bathrooms is so creatively fun and there is no limit in scouting out the perfect designs until you find your favorite one.

The best places to go for inspiration are showrooms and if you want to find inspiration with hundreds upon hundreds of ideas, then you just need to pop up your phone and browse as many ideas as you want.

Keep A Budget In Mind

The next important thing to keep in mind is the budget. A budget is something non-negotiable. You want to keep it in the middle, not too high and not too low. Because you don’t want to compromise on the quality, but you also don’t want to go over budget buying expensive fixtures and materials. It’s really easy to stray off the budget and that’s a road you don’t want to take.

Try to be patient and do your proper research on things and how much they cost, before you sit down and make a consolidated budget for your bathroom.

What You Want Vs. What You Need

A bathroom can seem like a very easy thing to plan, right? Wrong! There are so many ways by which you can deter from your original plan of action all in the name of “wanting something more”. This is not the right way to go about things.

You want to discipline yourself and only get things that you know are needed in the bathroom. For example, a toilet seat, sink, shower cubicle, flooring, cupboards, storage, and drainage system are “needs” so you cannot skip them at any cost. Whereas, things like heated floors, steaming towel racks, glass enclosures, dividers, etc. might sound super tempting, but they’re “wants” and not mandatory. You can include them only if your budget allows, otherwise leave them.

Plan The Layout

The layout is another thing that you need to plan for and this is where the inspiration you found, will help you out too. The layout of the bathroom is crucial because you want everything to be spread out but in such a way that ensures practicality and functionality in the space. Having the sink and toilet nearby is a good idea.

The shower cubicle should be on the far end of the bathroom so that nothing else gets wet. If you want to go for a bathtub, then its placement is also important to consider.

Ventilation Is Priority

Your bathroom is going to get wet; this is a no-brainer. However, the main priority should be proper ventilation because the last thing you want is mold and fungus infestation in your new bathroom all because you didn’t think about ventilation well enough.

So, you want to focus on the places that could get wet and have a hard time drying, and you can have vents on the walls and windows on each side of the bathroom, to ensure that the air is being circulated through the space and everything is being dried naturally.

Ample Storage

Storage is also another thing that can’t be compromised. The thing with storage, however, is that a lot of people want unlimited areas to store their things, which is not the best way to approach things. You need to have storage and it should be ample, that is a given, but you also need to be able to know when to stop because too much storage is going to be an overkill. And honestly, will you ever use all of the storage space in the bathroom? Probably not.

Good Lighting

Lighting is a factor that is just as important as the layout or the flooring options for the bathroom. Your bathroom should be well-lit and there should be more than one window to let natural light in. Something about a bathroom being well-lit is a great and attractive feature and not to mention, it’s also practical because going on about your shower routine in a dark and grim bathroom isn’t the brightest idea.

So, when planning for a bathroom, make sure that there is plenty of natural and artificial light so that everything is visible no matter what time of the day it is.

The Color Scheme

This tip is mostly for the appearance and the vibe of the bathroom. You want to think about the color and design of the bathroom as well as what color tiles, flooring, and fixtures you’re going to choose. You need to decide the color before you even buy things like faucets, sinks, toilet seats, and more because you need to stick with a certain color theme.

You can choose whatever color you want, but if you’re going for a more classic and timeless appeal that doesn’t need to keep up with trends, then neutral and light colors are the way to go. They will not only look amazing, but they will also give the illusion of a bigger space.

Avoid Clutter

When planning for a bathroom, it can be really easy to get things cluttered. The key is to ensure that you’re working and sorting things out in an organizational way. With this trick, your mind won’t be a jumble of thoughts and you can tackle things one task at a time.

On top that, if you follow this approach, things will wrap up quickly and you’ll be surprised at the fact that you didn’t forget anything on the top of your head. That’s the power of organization.

Choose The Right Flooring

You can’t plan a perfect bathroom without functional floors. Floors might seem like something you can pick easily, but there’s a lot of thought that goes into picking bathroom-friendly flooring. You should ensure that the color matches with everything else.

Then, there is a plethora of materials to choose from. You want to choose something that’s not going to get damaged by water, and that won’t cause your foot to slip either because that’s highly dangerous. So, take your time and research on materials.


Planning a bathroom isn’t that hard after all. You just need to think smartly and add a flair of creativity to get the best in terms of looks and functionality. Moreover, to get the desired results, hire an experienced bathroom remodeling contractor Bowie.